Category Archives: Amateur Radio

CW Key to Radio Switch

There was no issue when I had but one radio capable of CW.  My straight key and paddles were plugged into their respective ports on the back of my TS-590SG.  In time I acquired an all mode 2 m rig, so a second straight key went onto the desk.  Then the TS-520S and FT-101E followed over a twelve-month period.  Each additional radio increased the number of keys on my desk, and a corresponding decrease of available desk space. 

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Digital Voice Keying a Kenwood TS-590SG from N1MM+

Getting voice digital voice keying (DVC) working between N1MM+ and my TS-590SG has been an elusive target, but after another contest without it, I decided it really was a bullet which needed to be bitten. The post will explain the vagaries of the TS-590SG, and why it’s not as straight forward as perhaps some other radios.

Continue reading Digital Voice Keying a Kenwood TS-590SG from N1MM+